13 May – 1 October 2023
Art – A Public Matter?
Ever since their opening to the general public in the 1780s, the Belvedere Gardens in Vienna have been used extensively as places for recreation and communality. The 300th anniversary of the completion of the Upper Belvedere is a good opportunity to emphasize that they are also places of art.
An extensive contemporary sculpture project from May through September complements the Baroque sculpture program at the Belvedere’s three locations. Site-specific as well as existing works by international and local artists will connect all of the museum’s gardens along a path – from the main courtyard of the Lower Belvedere and its Privy Garden to the grand Baroque gardens of the Upper Belvedere and the modernist sculpture garden of the Belvedere 21 – highlighting how the gardens organically grew into an ensemble.
Works By:
With works by Thomas Baumann, Renate Bertlmann, Louise Bourgeois, Verena Dengler, Carola Dertnig, VALIE EXPORT, Thomas Geiger, Roland Goeschl, Dan Graham, Thomas Houseago, Alfred Hrdlicka, Iman Issa, Anna Jermolaewa / Manfred Grübel, Kapwani Kiwanga, Marko Lulić, Goshka Macuga, Hans Op de Beeck, Ingeborg G. Pluhar, Maruša Sagadin, Toni Schmale, Kara Walker, Lois Weinberger, Franz West, Fritz Wotruba, Heimo Zobernig

Contemporary Art in the Belvedere Gardens in Vienna – Erika Browe
The Belvedere Garden in Vienna is a verdant oasis that enchants visitors with its timeless beauty. Designed in the 18th century, the garden is integral to the Belvedere Palace complex, comprising Upper and Lower Belvedere. Impeccably manicured lawns, vibrant flower beds, and graceful fountains create a serene ambiance that invites tranquility and contemplation. The garden’s perfectly aligned paths lead to breathtaking viewpoints, offering panoramic vistas of Vienna’s skyline. Strolling through the meticulously landscaped grounds, one can’t help but be captivated by the harmonious blend of nature and architectural splendor. The Belvedere Garden stands as a testament to Vienna’s rich history and enduring elegance.
Admission free.
Park at Belvedere Palace
Oberes Belvedere, Prinz-Eugen-Straße 27
1030 Wien
Link to the events listed on the Erika Brown Tour Guide website: https://erikabrowntourguide.com/category/events/